
Parent workshop

Is your club or your team or your child’s team characterized by too much unrest on the sidelines in the form of parents who have inappropriate behavior, try to influence referees or coaches or have an unfortunate influence on the athletes.

Then a parent workshop is just the thing for you.

In a three-hour workshop, you get lots of good inputs and food for thought. The workshop can include:

  • Children’s motivation to play sports.
  • Clarification of the team’s values
  • Tools to improve parent communication with children and coaches in the club.
The result is a much better parent support and atmosphere around the team and the club.
Or as one parent who has attended a workshop describes it:

“Hello Morten,

It was a really good lecture in HEI a couple of weeks ago.

We have applied the new insight and have already achieved a lot – including a seemingly more calm / relaxed girl who is looking forward too both training and matches.

Since your presentation, xxxx and I have not unsolicited asked for results and personal performance, but have only had a dialogue about expectations, development and well-being regarding our daughter and the team. It has given a completely different atmosphere and seems more constructive in relation to development as we can feel that she reflects on the dialogue we have.

I also hear from the other parents and coaches that the presentation has left its mark, so it will be exciting to follow the group in the future. Hope that HEI might follow up next year with something similar.”

Mental training course

Are you interested in a mental training course?

Mental Training for Youth Players

See details below.

Parental coaching

As a parent, you need to be aware of your role.

Team development

The most important thing is that everyone pulls in the same direction.



Klokkens Kvarter 92,
5220 Odense SØ